How To Choose A Premium Mattress Sewing Machine

Mattress tape edge machine is a type of sewing machine used in the bedding industry to finish the top and bottom edges of a mattress. The machine is used to stitch the top and bottom panels of a mattress to the mattress edge, and to cover that raw edge with a protective tape or ribbon. Some mattress tape edge machines are fully automated, capable of turning corners and flipping the mattress without involvement from the operator. And some tape edge machine is semi automatic. The price is relatively cheap, and many mattress manufacturers are using it.

Singer head
Typical head
Seiko head
Chinese maked head
Shortly, chain stitch is a more advanced sewing technique in which a series of looped stitches form a chain like pattern. This is one of the most common sewing methods in modern times. Even if the sewing is wrong or the sewing effect is not satisfying, it can be easily disassembled for resewing by pulling one of the threads . Accordingly, compared with lock stitch, it is more convenient and has more advantages.

Shortly, chain stitch is a more advanced sewing technique in which a series of looped stitches form a chain like pattern. This is one of the most common sewing methods in modern times. Even if the sewing is wrong or the sewing effect is not satisfying, it can be easily disassembled for resewing by pulling one of the threads . Accordingly, compared with lock stitch, it is more convenient and has more advantages.

lock stitch sewing method. It means a sewing machine stitch formed by the looping together of two threads one on each side of the material being sewn. This is a relatively primitive sewing method, but it is still use by many people. In contrast, chain stitch has the better performance.

Whether fully automatic or semi-automatic, each has its own advantages and characteristics. How to choose a tape edge machine? In short, according to your own budget, the daily production volume, and according to the functional requirements of the machine to choose a tape edge machine.

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